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Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational YOUTH Clinic Last Updated April 26, 2011
Stanford University – Sunday May 1, is the Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational YOUTH Clinic.. (for kids under 14 years of age) We will be able to be coached BY the STANFORD Track Coaches at the Stanford Track!
The Stanford Track & Field Director/ Head Coach, Edrick Floreal, will introduce the Staff & Team…and Coach Joy Upshaw (Jackrabbits Track Club) will direct the clinic! π The kids will be divided into age groups & we will rotate them to the different stations of Events: Jumps, Throws, Sprints/Hurdles & Distance/Racing strategy! Autograph Signing after! Bring your camera for photos as your kids are being coached by the great Stanford Coaches! Yay! Fantastic Opportunity!!
Sign In is 9:45am…START TIME 10:00am sharp! Finish time is by 11:15…(Clinic is Free) INVITE your friends!!
The Clinic is before the Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational Meet (first event is the javelin at noon) Hope you have the opportunity to see some of the meet ,too!:
The Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational will be one of the premier track and field meets of the outdoor season. Hundreds of elite college, professional, and international athletes will compete as they prepare for the Pac 10 Championships,NCAA Championships & World Meet Qualifying… The Invitational Distance Carnival consistently produces collegiate records, American records, and Olympic “A” qualifying standards. Stanford’s Cobb Track and Angell Field will serve as the setting for these electrifying performances. Please come out and support this world-class meet that will include many of Stanford’s own. It’s an event you don’t want to miss!
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