USATF Pacific

USATF Pacific Communications Committee

Communication Committee Functions (from a draft of a revision of PA By Laws to be approved by the Board of Athletics)

  • Develop and implement an annual plan to inform the Association membership and the public about the activities of the Association, including opportunities to participate in, officiate, coach, or to observe athletic competitions.
  • Oversee the publication of any newsletter, brochure, magazine, or other publication that the Association may produce or acquire.
  • Act on behalf of the Board of Athletics to oversee the administration and design the Pacific Association website, emails, and social media applications.
  • Committees and sub committees may not have websites separate from the Pacific Association websites unless approved by the Board of Athletics.

Communication Committee Composition: a chairperson, three members appointed by the PA President, one member appointed by the chair of each sport committee, an Athletes Committee Chair, the Officials Committee Chair, and the Coaches Committee Chair. All members of must be PAUSATF members and at least 18 years of age.

Communication Committee Operating Procedures

Communication Committee Reports

Website Content Managers’ Manual

Communications Services

  • Please contact USATF Pacific Communications Committee Chair to request the most recent USATF Pacific and USATF logos. Be sure to follow the usage guidelines described Chapter 4 of the USATF Associations Manual.
  • PA Business Card Form and Information
  • Sending Broadcast Emails: USATF Pacific uses the USATF Broadcast email platform, Campaign Manager. If your Committee wants to send these emails, a qualified person in that committee must be granted access to and learn about the Campaign Manger platform.
  • Website Content: Each Committee should have a member with WordPress skills who can edit their committee’s page. Have your committee contact the Communications Committee Chair for access to
  • Social: Facebook and Instagram pages

For questions, email the Communications Committee Chair.