
Refreshing or Reloading your Browser

To make sure you have the most up-to-date version of a web page you can refresh your browser. Your browser will then access a resource on the Internet to update your page and update the stored cache content on your computer.

On IBM-based operating systems, for the most popular browsers, you can press the F5 key or click on the refresh button. Look inside your browser toolbar for the refresh button.

On Mac Operating systems you may also press "Command - R".

Some specific IBM-based methods are:

In Internet Explorer:

Right Click on your screen and inside the pop-up menu choose "Refresh"
or, press your F5 key or, from the menu, select "View" and select "Refresh"
or, click on the refresh button.

In FireFox:

Right Click on your screen and inside the pop-up menu choose "Reload"
or, press your F5 key
or, from the menu, select "View" and select "Reload"
or, press + R
or, click on the reload button

In Netscape Browser:

Right Click on your screen and inside the pop-up menu choose "Reload"
or, press your F5 key
or, from the menu, select "View" and select "Reload"
or, press + R
or, click on the reload button

In most browsers you can go into the advanced settings and clean out the cache and/or set limits on storage space used. However, cache is a good thing and if you are not sure about the settings you should accept the defaults.