PA-USATF 5K in San Mateo, May 24, 2009
Individual Results
USATF Pacific Time Place Age   Place by Mile Pace
First Name Last Name Age (M/F) Team Association? Hr. Min. Sec. by speed Graded % Age Graded % Min. Sec.
Tyler Sorensen 15 M Pleasanton Heat yes 0 22 4.30 M1 88.10% 2 7 6
Kevin Killingsworth 53 M Marin yes 0 27 43.57 M2 75.87% 5 8 55
Alexander Price 27 M PRO yes 0 28 36.58 M3 62.78% 12 9 13
Joseph Berendt 53 M Sierra yes 0 29 44.67 M4 70.72% 10 9 34
Steven Popell 70 M GGRW yes 0 33 53.73 M5 73.90% 7 10 55
Richard Hanson 82 M GGRW yes 0 41 14.19 M6 72.02% 9 13 16
Nicollette Sorensen 13 F Pleasanton Heat yes 0 26 19.42 F1 81.37% 3 8 28
Leslie Sokol 51 F SCTC yes 0 30 26.31 F2 73.98% 6 9 48
Louise Walters 69 F Sierra yes 0 30 44.97 F3 90.30% 1 9 54
Karen Stoyanowski 54 F Sierra yes 0 31 23.71 F4 73.82% 8 10 6
Marjorie Garnero 68 F MPWWW yes 0 34 45.89 F5 78.74% 4 11 11
Jeanne Olson 62 F Impala yes 0 37 17.19 F6 67.87% 11 12 0
There were no disqualifications - all 12 entrants finished the race. 
Team Results: Team score is the average of the top 3 age grade percentages. 
Team Score
Sierra 78.28% (Sierra Racewalkers was the only team with at least 3 finishers)
Judges: Laura Cribbins (N), Chief, Art Klein (N), Jon Price (N), Beth Price (N)
DQ Board / Recorder: Becky Klein (M)
Weather: a cool and overcast day in the low 50's at the start of the race.
Team Name Glossary: 
GGRW = Golden Gate Race Walkers
Impala = Impala Racing Team
Marin = Marin Race Walkers
MPWWW = Monterey Peninsula Walk Walk Walk Club
Pleasanton Heat
PRO = Pacific Racewalkers Organization
SCTC = Santa Cruz Track Club
Sierra = Sierra Racewalkers
SSS = Silver State Striders