Pacific Association (PA) USATF 2009 Grand Prix Championship - One-Hour Postal

Los Gatos High School

Individual Results
PA-USATF Distance Speed Mile Pace PA Place Grand Prix Age   PA Place by Grand Prix
First Name Last Name Age Sex (f/m) Club member? (meters) (seconds/km) Min. Sec. by speed Points Graded % Age Graded % Points
Nicolette Sorensen 13 f PH yes 10,344 348.0 9 20.1 F1 10 76.55% 2 9
Leslie Sokol 51 f SCTC yes 9,681 371.9 9 58.5 F2 9 75.43% 5 6
Karen Stoyanowski 54 f SRW yes 9,428 381.8 10 14.5 F3 8 75.64% 4 7
Nicolle Goldman 50 f SRW yes 8,965 401.6 10 46.3 F4 7 68.86% 8 3
Lila Haba 13 f unattached yes 8,773 410.3 11 0.39 F5 6 64.39% 12 1
Andreas Gustafsson 27 m guest no 12,588 286.0 7 40.3   78.95%
JD Bhatia 18 m unattached yes 10,265 350.7 9 24.4 M1 10 66.07% 11 1
James Beckett 70 m MRW yes 9,600 375.0 10 3.5 M2 9 82.22% 1 10
Joseph Berendt 53 m SRW yes 9,340 385.4 10 20.3 M3 8 67.13% 10 1
Art Klein 55 m SCTC yes 9,257 388.9 10 25.9 M4 7 67.68% 9 2
Ron Walters 70 m SRW yes 8,933 403.0 10 48.6 M5 6 76.32% 3 8
Steve Poppell 70 m GGRW yes 8,474 424.8 11 23.7 M6 5 72.27% 6 5
John Mullane Sr 70 m SCTC yes 8,256 436.0 11 41.7 M7 4 70.35% 7 4
There were two disqualifications in the male race and none in the female race.  Andreas is a member of the Swedish National Team.
Team Results: Team score is average of top 3 age graded percentages. 
Team Score Rank Points
SRW 73.60% 1 10
SCTC 71.15% 2 8
Judges: Ann Gerhardt, Chief (Nat'l), Beth Price (Nat'l), Jon Price (Nat'l), Liesbeth Matthieu (Ass'n), Sandy Backer (Ass'n), and Ajay Padgaonkar (Assn)
Recorder: Laura Cribbins (Nat'l) and Doreen Adams
Race Director: Becky Klein
GGRW = Golden Gate Racewalkers
MRW = Marin Racewalkers
PH = Pleasanton Heat
SCTC = Santa Cruz Track Club
SRW = Sierra Racewalkers